Kat Lavers is a passionate gardener and sustainable food systems advocate. With a background in permaculture design, teaching and facilitation, her work reconnects people with the land under their feet, and helps them experience the abundance of growing food as well as their role in wider ecosystems.
Kat is the gardener and designer behind The Plummery, a 1/14th acre urban permaculture system in Melbourne, Australia. In 2018, the garden produced 428kg of herbs, vegies, fruit and eggs with about 4 hours management each week – enough to feed 2 adults and regular guests most of their fresh produce.
Kat describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and bio-intensive growing, and how important it is for city dwellers to be food resilient in the face of natural, financial and social crises. She is an experienced media commentator, writer and speaker on organic gardening, home food production, permaculture and urban agriculture.
Visit Kat at: https://www.katlavers.com/