Sonia Choquette is celebrated worldwide as an author, spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, and transformational visionary guide. An enchanting storyteller, Sonia is known for her delightful humor and adept skill in quickly shifting people out of psychological and spiritual difficulties, and into a healthier energy flow. She is the author of 19 internationally best-selling books about intuitive awakening, personal and creative growth, and the transformational leadership capabilities that reside within, most notably with the New York Times best-seller The Answer is Simple.
Sonia is inspiring a global consciousness movement around her belief that, as human beings, “We are divine beings endowed with six senses to guide us through life.” Sonia insists that we all must rely on our innate sixth senses in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthful, and soul-satisfying decisions possible. Sonia’s extensive background in uplifting guidance began as early as 12 years of age; she established her unwavering integrity at this young age, and continued following along this guided path to help other people find their truest selves through intuition.
Sonia’s philanthropic work set up organizational collaborations with Nurturing Orphans with AIDS for Humanity (NOAH), in addition to charity work and fundraising throughout the United States. In 2012 Sonia was awarded the Leader of the Year by the Global Holistic Psychology Association and the award for Exceptional Human Service by the 1st Global Parliament of Human Spirituality in Hyderabad India.
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