Megan reveals her inspiration for creating her film “As She Is”.
“Most people would agree that our culture no longer nurtures life. We are busy people…in a sense we are disconnected and looking for meaning in what we own or do. We have forgotten about the sacred, forgotten the importance of listening and the qualities of compassion, introspection and acceptance. Which to me are feminine aspects. Those things that provide sustenance, connection and give us meaning.
This lack has a great impact on us all and is reflected in the way we treat each other, the earth and other beings.
I see films and reports showing us that we are broken, but few go to the root of the root to ask the question, why? How did we get here?
It is my firm belief that we cannot be freed from something until we learn the lesson…or understand the meaning. In my film, As She Is, I explore, how we as a culture, have separated from our natural way of relating, lost the capacity to listen inside, forgotten respect for our bodies and our relationship to the symbolic nature of life and the natural world. It is a journey to understand, reclaim and live as a woman not defined by what the culture values.”
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